Resume Builder Template Homepage / Resume Builder Template Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Address *What is your motivation for applying?Your Next Job: Tell us about your next career move. Be specific- include the industry or position title, if you have a job in mind email through the link or copy + paste the job description in the box above. Tell us why you would like to work in that industry, or what motivates you to apply for a job.What are your values, experiences, and capabilities that YOU feel will make you an ideal candidate for this role?If you have a previous resume email it to us email: getsetcareerservice@gmail.comPlease List your Education, certificates, and/or qualifications below. *Employment history- Tell us about your work background *Position titleWork address *Dates: Start to finish *Month and year What were your daily/weekly/monthly tasks? *What are some of your achievements from this role? *Reason for leaving? *If you have further career history, please complete the above details in the text box below.Your Skills and Personal Attributes - * Please list all your skills and personal strengths in the workplace using the below questions.What are your biggest strengths in the workplace? *What has been your greatest achievement at work so far?What are your personality traits that make you a valued and desired employee? *Is there any thing further you would like to add to support your Resume Writer in creating your resume?Once you have completed this form please submit it using the submit button below. Please send through a copy of your previous resume if you have one to This allows us to get your resume and cover letter completed in a timely manner.Submit