How to succeed at the job interview


Become attuned with yourself and know your strengths and weaknesses, acknowledge your accomplishments and your abilities. Ensure that you can provide examples that can relate to the role you are interviewing for.

It can be uncomfortable talking about yourself but showing that you can self reflect is very important. If you have no previous work experience try and draw upon some examples from school and community group, sports or music involvement.


Dress appropriately! organisations have different dress requirements, research the industry and the business website to help give you an idea of the dress code for the role that you will be applying for. Whatever you decide make sure you are comfortable.


Research the organisation, find out as much information as you can through their website and social media pages. Your effort will show in the interview. Ensure you understand the organisations values, mission and culture.

Prepare some key questions click on the link below for some of the common key question you maybe asked.

   Commonly ask Interview Question


Review the position description , the recruiter will most likely ask you about why you applied for the role and it can be worded in many different ways for example:

What attracted you to this position?

What is your interest in this position?

What motivate you to apply for this role?


Be organised and on time!! this will show the employer that you have the right attitude for the role. You may want to do a dry run of the location a day or two before so you know exactly where you need to go. Allow plenty of time to get there and turn up 15 mins early as they may have some questions for you to look at and complete.


Maintain positive body language, first impressions are how you are judged by the interview panel. Make sure you sit up straight, maintain eye contact and avoid fidgeting. Make sure you look keen and interested.


Prepare to ask questions. An interview is also an opportunity for you to learn more about the role and understand if the work culture is a right fit for you. some questions could look like this:

Can you tell me about the work culture?

what does a typical day look like for this role?

What could be my biggest challenge in this role?

What would be the next steps from here?

What led to this position being advertised?

Take a Personality Test

Take the Personality Test below and get a “freakishly accurate” description of who you are and why you do things the way you do. This will also give you an insight to different careers suited to your personality.

   Personality Test
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