About Us

About Us

Get set career service was created in 2022. Developed from a love of helping people achieve their education and employment goals. Rachel has a background in Human services with a broad range of knowledge in sectors from health care, community services, emergency services, defence, retail, administration, hospitality and trades.

Rachel has over 15 years experience in career guidance for friends and family and 6 years experience professionally. “Setting goals for your future career and working out ways to achieve these goals when you don’t think its possible”.

The unique experience you get with Get set career service is a broad knowledge of many industries and knowledge on available courses and government funding options that can be accessed to help you jump into the career you want. Get set career service can create your Resume, cover letter and mentor you to find a way to get that job of your dreams

We also work with government and non for profit organisations to help jobseekers achieve their employment and educational goals.

Our Values

Get set career service has 5 core values that represent the work that we want to achieve with our clients:

  • Empowerment: Empower People Today to Build a Better Future for their families and the Next Generation
  • Compassion: We are kind and caring to everyone we work alongside.
  • Integrity: We build trust and honest relationships with our clients.
  • Innovation: We encourage thoughtful, creative and inspirational ideas.
  • Growth: We develop professionally through expanding our capabilities with innovative training.

Ask us about our
custom SLES service

As you transition from school to the workforce, School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) are here to assist you. SLES, funded through the NDIS, equips Year 12 students with disabilities with the necessary skills and confidence to smoothly transition from school to employment.

Helping students achieve their education and employment goals!

We offer individualised support as you transition from high school into the workforce by focusing on your goals and supporting you to develop important skills. Click here for more information


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